Install on Amazon ECS

The Steadybit Agent can be installed on Amazon Elastic Container Service.

Amazon ECS with EC2


extension-host and extension-container needs to run in privileged mode and network mode host is required for the extensions.



  • You need to have an ECS cluster running with at least one EC2 instance.

  • You need to know the (private) Subnet-IDs where you want to place the agent and extension tasks.

  • The security group used by the ec2 instances need to allow inbound traffic to the extension-host and extension-container (ports 8085 and 8086) as they are running as daemon service using the host network.

Step-By-Step Guide

  1. Copy the required Files

  1. The agent needs some permissions to be able to look up extensions running in the cluster. Create a IAM role for the agent task with the following permissions:

    aws iam create-role --role-name steadybit-agent-task-role --assume-role-policy-document file://steadybit-agent-role-trust-policy.json
    aws iam put-role-policy --role-name steadybit-agent-task-role --policy-name steadybit-agent-extension-lookup --policy-document file://steadybit-agent-role-permissions.json
  2. If you like to install the extension-aws you need to create a new IAM role with the following permissions. Please have a look at the extension documentation for the latest list of required permissions.

    aws iam create-role --role-name steadybit-extension-aws-task-role --assume-role-policy-document file://steadybit-agent-role-trust-policy.json
    aws iam put-role-policy --role-name steadybit-extension-aws-task-role --policy-name steadybit-extension-aws --policy-document file://steadybit-extension-aws-role-permissions.json
  3. Replace all placeholders in the JSON files with your values. All placeholders are prefixed with MY-. Take care, the placeholders are used multiple times in the JSON files.

    • MY-AGENT-KEY: Your agent key

    • MY-CLUSTER-NAME: The name of your ECS cluster

    • MY-PLATFORM-URL: The URL of your Steadybit platform, for SaaS use

    • MY-REGION: The AWS region where your ECS cluster is running

    • MY-ACCOUNT: The AWS account ID

  4. Register the Task Definitions

    aws ecs register-task-definition --cli-input-json file://steadybit-agent.json 
    aws ecs register-task-definition --cli-input-json file://steadybit-extension-host.json
    aws ecs register-task-definition --cli-input-json file://steadybit-extension-container.json
    aws ecs register-task-definition --cli-input-json file://steadybit-extension-http.json
    aws ecs register-task-definition --cli-input-json file://steadybit-extension-aws.json
  5. Create the Services

    • Agent - please replace the cluster-name, subnet-ids, and security-group-id with your values. The security group needs to allow outbound traffic to the Steadybit platform and to the extensions (ports 8080-8099).

    aws ecs create-service \
     --cluster MY-CLUSTER \
     --service-name steadybit-agent \
     --task-definition steadybit-agent \
     --propagate-tags TASK_DEFINITION \
     --desired-count 1 \
     --deployment-configuration maximumPercent=101,minimumHealthyPercent=0 \
     --tags,value=true \
     --network-configuration '{"awsvpcConfiguration": {"subnets": ["MY-SUBNET-1", "MY-SUBNET-2", "MY-SUBNET-3"], "securityGroups": ["MY-SECURITY-GROUP-ID"], "assignPublicIp": "DISABLED"}}'
    • Extension Host - please replace the cluster-name. The extension will use the host network strategy and use the security groupd and subnets of your ec2 instances.

    aws ecs create-service \
     --cluster MY-CLUSTER \
     --service-name steadybit-extension-host \
     --task-definition steadybit-extension-host \
     --propagate-tags TASK_DEFINITION \
     --launch-type EC2 \
     --tags,value=true \
     --scheduling-strategy DAEMON
    • Extension Container - please replace the cluster-name. The extension will use the host network strategy and use the security groupd and subnets of your ec2 instances.

    aws ecs create-service \
     --cluster MY-CLUSTER \
     --service-name steadybit-extension-container \
     --task-definition steadybit-extension-container \
     --propagate-tags TASK_DEFINITION \
     --launch-type EC2 \
     --tags,value=true \
     --scheduling-strategy DAEMON
    • Extension HTTP - please replace the cluster-name, subnet-ids, and security-group-id with your values. The security group needs to allow inbound traffic to the extension (port 8085) and outbound traffic to all ports/destination you want to reach out with the http checks implemented in the extension.

    aws ecs create-service \
     --cluster MY-CLUSTER \
     --service-name steadybit-extension-http \
     --task-definition steadybit-extension-http \
     --propagate-tags TASK_DEFINITION \
     --desired-count 1 \
     --deployment-configuration maximumPercent=101,minimumHealthyPercent=0 \
     --tags,value=true \
     --network-configuration '{"awsvpcConfiguration": {"subnets": ["MY-SUBNET-1", "MY-SUBNET-2", "MY-SUBNET-3"], "securityGroups": ["MY-SECURITY-GROUP-ID"], "assignPublicIp": "DISABLED"}}'    
    • Extension AWS - please replace the cluster-name, subnet-ids, and security-group-id with your values. The security group needs to allow inbound traffic to the extension (port 8085)

    aws ecs create-service \
     --cluster MY-CLUSTER \
     --service-name steadybit-extension-aws \
     --task-definition steadybit-extension-aws \
     --propagate-tags TASK_DEFINITION \
     --desired-count 1 \
     --deployment-configuration maximumPercent=101,minimumHealthyPercent=0 \
     --tags,value=true \
     --network-configuration '{"awsvpcConfiguration": {"subnets": ["MY-SUBNET-1", "MY-SUBNET-2", "MY-SUBNET-3"], "securityGroups": ["MY-SECURITY-GROUP-ID"], "assignPublicIp": "DISABLED"}}'    

Amazon ECS with Fargate


The agent and most of the extensions can be run as an ECS service in Fargate.

However, extension-host and extension-container are not compatible with AWS Fargate because they require access to the underlying compute instance which is not possible with Fargate.

extension-aws can also be used with Fargate and offers some alternative actions to discover and attack ECS resources.


  1. Copy the required Files

  1. The agent needs some permissions to be able to look up extensions running in the cluster. Create a IAM role for the agent task with the following permissions:

    aws iam create-role --role-name steadybit-agent-task-role --assume-role-policy-document file://steadybit-agent-role-trust-policy.json
    aws iam put-role-policy --role-name steadybit-agent-task-role --policy-name steadybit-agent-extension-lookup --policy-document file://steadybit-agent-role-permissions.json
  2. Fargate tasks needs a task execution role to be able to write logs. If you don't already have an existing role, you can create one via:

    aws iam create-role --role-name steadybit-agent-task-execution-role --assume-role-policy-document file://steadybit-agent-role-trust-policy.json
    aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name steadybit-agent-task-execution-role --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonECSTaskExecutionRolePolicy
  3. If you like to install the extension-aws you need to create a new IAM role with the following permissions. Please have a look at the extension documentation for the latest list of required permissions.

    aws iam create-role --role-name steadybit-extension-aws-task-role --assume-role-policy-document file://steadybit-agent-role-trust-policy.json
    aws iam put-role-policy --role-name steadybit-extension-aws-task-role --policy-name steadybit-extension-aws --policy-document file://steadybit-extension-aws-role-permissions.json
  4. Replace all placeholders in the JSON files with your values. All placeholders are prefixed with MY-. Take care, the placeholders are used multiple times in the JSON files.

    • MY-AGENT-KEY: Your agent key

    • MY-CLUSTER-NAME: The name of your ECS cluster

    • MY-PLATFORM-URL: The URL of your Steadybit platform, for SaaS use

    • MY-REGION: The AWS region where your ECS cluster is running

    • MY-ACCOUNT: The AWS account ID

  5. Register the Task Definitions

    aws ecs register-task-definition --cli-input-json file://steadybit-agent-fargate.json 
    aws ecs register-task-definition --cli-input-json file://steadybit-extension-http-fargate.json
    aws ecs register-task-definition --cli-input-json file://steadybit-extension-aws-fargate.json
  6. Create the Services

    • Agent - please replace the cluster-name, subnet-ids, and security-group-id with your values. The security group needs to allow outbound traffic to the Steadybit platform and to the extensions (ports 8080-8099).

    aws ecs create-service \
     --cluster MY-CLUSTER \
     --service-name steadybit-agent \
     --task-definition steadybit-agent \
     --propagate-tags TASK_DEFINITION \
     --launch-type FARGATE \
     --desired-count 1 \
     --deployment-configuration maximumPercent=101,minimumHealthyPercent=0 \
     --tags,value=true \
     --network-configuration '{"awsvpcConfiguration": {"subnets": ["MY-SUBNET-1", "MY-SUBNET-2", "MY-SUBNET-3"], "securityGroups": ["MY-SECURITY-GROUP-ID"], "assignPublicIp": "DISABLED"}}'
    • Extension HTTP - please replace the cluster-name, subnet-ids, and security-group-id with your values. The security group needs to allow inbound traffic to the extension (port 8085) and outbound traffic to all ports/destination you want to reach out with the http checks implemented in the extension.

    aws ecs create-service \
     --cluster MY-CLUSTER \
     --service-name steadybit-extension-http \
     --task-definition steadybit-extension-http \
     --propagate-tags TASK_DEFINITION \
     --launch-type FARGATE \
     --desired-count 1 \
     --deployment-configuration maximumPercent=101,minimumHealthyPercent=0 \
     --tags,value=true \
     --network-configuration '{"awsvpcConfiguration": {"subnets": ["MY-SUBNET-1", "MY-SUBNET-2", "MY-SUBNET-3"], "securityGroups": ["MY-SECURITY-GROUP-ID"], "assignPublicIp": "DISABLED"}}'    
    • Extension AWS - please replace the cluster-name, subnet-ids, and security-group-id with your values. The security group needs to allow inbound traffic to the extension (port 8085)

    aws ecs create-service \
     --cluster MY-CLUSTER \
     --service-name steadybit-extension-aws \
     --task-definition steadybit-extension-aws \
     --propagate-tags TASK_DEFINITION \
     --launch-type FARGATE \
     --desired-count 1 \
     --deployment-configuration maximumPercent=101,minimumHealthyPercent=0 \
     --tags,value=true \
     --network-configuration '{"awsvpcConfiguration": {"subnets": ["MY-SUBNET-1", "MY-SUBNET-2", "MY-SUBNET-3"], "securityGroups": ["MY-SECURITY-GROUP-ID"], "assignPublicIp": "DISABLED"}}'    


  • Q: How can I update the agent/extensions and force pulling a new image version when using latest?

    • A: aws ecs update-service --cluster <your-cluster> --service <your-service> --force-new-deployment

  • Q: Can I shell into the agent/extension tasks?

    • A: Yes, with ECS Exec, details can be found here, short summary below:

      • You need to allow update your service to allow it, e.g.: aws ecs update-service --service steadybit-agent --cluster <your-cluster> --enable-execute-command

      • The task role needs the following permissions:

        • ssmmessages:CreateControlChannel

        • ssmmessages:CreateDataChannel

        • ssmmessages:OpenControlChannel

        • ssmmessages:OpenDataChannel

      • The task definition needs to include initProcessEnabled in the linuxParameters, e.g:

          "containerDefinitions": [
              "name": "steadybit-agent",
              "linuxParameters": {
                "initProcessEnabled": true
      • After that, you can shell into the agent task with aws ecs execute-command --cluster <your-cluster> --task <your-task-id> --container <container-name> --interactive --command "/bin/bash"

Last updated

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