Install on Kubernetes

This part of the documentation is only intended in the context of a supported PoC (Proof of Concept) together with the Steadybit team. Please, book an appointment to scope your PoC before continuing to evaluate the on-prem solution.

If you just want to try out Steadybit, we recommend you sign up for our SaaS platform.

When using Kubernetes there are two approaches to setup the platform: Using helm or the manifest directly via `kubectl. We recommend to use the Helm chart.

Installation using Helm chart

To install the platform via the chart, first retrieve your Steadybit agent key from the setup page in the SaaS platform and run the following commands.

Add repo and update contents:

helm repo add steadybit
helm repo update

Install platform:

helm install steadybit-platform \
  --create-namespace \
  --namespace steadybit-platform \
  --set platform.tenant.agentKey=<replace-with-agent-key> \

To configure the installation, specify the values on the command line using the --set flag, or provide a yaml file with your values using the -f flag.

For a detailed list of all the configuration parameters, please see our GitHub Repository.

Local setup via Minikube and NGINX ingress

First install Minikube to run on your system:

Start the cluster and enable the ingress resource:

minikube start
minikube addons enable ingress

Verify the ingress is running

kubectl get pods -n ingress-nginx

Install the platform using helm

helm install steadybit-platform \
  --create-namespace \
  --namespace steadybit-platform \
  --set platform.tenant.agentKey=<replace-with-agent-key> \

Make the ingress accessible

minikube tunnel

Now you should be able to access the platform in your browser on http://localhost

Last updated